This will depend on the Member State of the European Union in which you reside, since many of them have their own legislation in this regard (such as Germany, Spain, and Italy), and the Municipal Ordinances.
We recommend that you get information from your Town Hall, and through local and national associations.
The European Union classifies electric scooters as PLEV's (personal light electric vehicles), and in Spain they are classified as Personal Mobility Vehicles; In all cases, the regulations clearly differentiate them from other motor vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, and establishing a series of requirements such as the speed limit (in most countries 25 km/h), and a series of characteristics techniques, which are common to all of them. In addition, according to the law on personal mobility vehicles, they must have the following documentation:
Obligation to have the EC Certificate of Conformity, and a Declaration of Conformity that must be issued and signed by the manufacturer or legal distributor with registered office in the European Union.
In this regard, the law is very clear, and an electric scooter that has been purchased through a market place from a non-EU supplier, even if it has a CE Certificate, or a CE sticker, will not be legal if it lacks of the Declaration of Conformity of a legal importer / distributor based in the European Union.
In Ecosmart Riders®, as legal importer and distributor throughout EuropeOf all the electric scooters that we sell, we provide our clients with the following documents:
- Certificate of Conformity of the CE marking, issued by the manufacturer.
- Declaration of Conformity, issued by Ecosmart Riders®
- Certificate for Circulation, with technical specifications and certificate of speed limitation to 25 km/h. Issued by Ecosmart Riders®
With these documents, as of 06/30/2021, you can legally circulate through the roads authorized for this purpose in Spain, and in a large part of the countries of member states of the European Union.
However, in other countries, it will depend on the type of scooter and/or the legislation in this regard.
In addition to these documents, it is possible that according to the Municipal Ordinance of the Municipality where you reside, you need to hire a liability insurance additional.